Have you ever been in a situation where people were depending on your wisdom and insight?

Sometimes that responsibility can be overwhelming. You begin to ask yourself what would be the impact if I decided this or the other? You begin to see the faces of the people who are depending on you and you begin to struggle with the weight of the responsibility.

I found myself in that situation over the past few days. I was alone in a cottage in the mountains of Kentucky. No wi-fi, so thus no internet. Television channel selection limited to shows that did not interest me. Sitting there as the darkness of night began to surround me I found myself in quiet solitude.

Usually that is a very uncomfortable place for me to be. I like to be around people. I like to be engaged. But sitting there in the quiet was rewarding. I began to sense clarity in my thought process as I began to contemplate the task before me. I was able to turn everything out and focus on the immense task before me.

I guess there is something right about “Be still and know that I am God.” Sometimes being alone does not produce loneliness or even solitude. Sometimes, being alone gives us a chance to focus on God and to hear His still small voice. It made me aware, once again, that God has promised to be with us. We are never alone.

I am thankful for those quiet moments that helped me make some critical decisions that I faced.

This is my story…