One of the ten Words from God reminds us that we should “remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.”

For me and my family the “Sabbath” (I know that the Sabbath is Saturday) was the busiest day of the week. Sunday (the Baptist Sabbath) began with an early arrival at the church to make sure everything was ready for the day. In some of the churches I pastored it meant an early worship service, Sunday School, and then the regular 11:00 service. At two churches I even added a nursing home service in the mix.

Then lunch after church, usually with people from the church…sometimes friends, sometimes prospects, sometimes people who were in need. Lunch was not really family time. Then back to the church for an early committee meeting, youth group activities, evening Bible study, and often an after church meeting. The “Sabbath” was very seldom, if ever, a day of rest.

In those early years I thought pastoring meant working long hours for God, so I very seldom took a day off–and vacations, were very seldom. It did not take long for me to discover the wisdom of the Sabbath. Every seventh day was needed to refresh, and every now and then, a one week or even two week vacation was valued.

My Sunday Sabbaths were always valued, and still are. I need the worship, Bible study, and fellowship to help put the rest of my week in perspective. Without time in worship and a slice of wisdom from the Bible to teach me and a silent moment to think about God’s goodness, I am afraid I would begin my week stale and uninspired.

A group of deacons in my first church bought me a set of golf clubs and started coming to the church on Fridays to take me to play golf. It was their way to make sure I was taking some time off. However, I had never played golf and really never got the “swing” of it, but I did find the time refreshing and the fellowship enjoyable.

The Sabbath does not have to be Saturday or even Sunday. The Sabbath can be a time of rest and reflection. A time away from the regular to enjoy God’s gifts of nature, relaxation, family, and just good old fashion solitude.

Worship on Sunday is important and I highly recommend it on a regular basis. I also feel a nice walk in the woods, reading a book, relaxing by the pool can be an equally valuble Sabbath.

This is my story…