Last week I put on my dark, approved, glasses and looked up into the sun to watch the solar eclipse.

My wife, Jan, had suggested I come by the preschool where she is the director and watch the eclipse with the older preschoolers. I arrived just in time to hear the warning about not looking at the sun without the glasses. Jan made it pretty clear that doing so would result in burning your eyes. It was pretty obvious that the children were imagining going home to their parents with flames shooting out of their eye sockets.

Of course, they all had to try on the safety glasses and walk across the room. They were bumping into tables, chairs, and each other. It was definitely the “blind leading the blind.” It was like herding chickens but we finally had a straight line at the door to go outside to see our very first, and maybe only, solar eclispe.

Once outside, the warning was given, once again, about not looking into the sun without your glasses on. Then the anticipated moment came where they were instructed to put their glasses on and look into the sun. The first response I heard was from a little boy who loudly exclaimed WOW! He was looking in the wrong direction! We corrected his gaze which was followed by an even louder….WOW!

I was quickly reminded of our Easter Sunrise Service where we associated the rising sun with the Risen Son. To many today walk around with blinders on..stumbling through life bumping into each other, creating total chaos. You know, the blind leading the blind.

Some step into the light and even look up. They pretend to see, but they really don’t. But for those who really see the Risen Son it is truly a WOW moment. Life is never the same.

This is my story…